Am I Ready?

Measure Readiness for Joy Restoration© Coaching


Is Joy Restoration© Coaching Right for You? This quiz will give you and your coach a better idea of whether you are ready for Joy Restoration© Coaching. Make sure you follow the instructions carefully.

IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: Before you do this exercise, pray for divine guidance. Ask the Holy Spirit to counsel you on the truth of where you are at this point in time. Consider each statement, and note your reaction. Does the statement confirm your feelings or sense of readiness? Or does it create doubt and discomfort? We need to push beyond irrational fear and be willing to engage in the process. The more the statements seem true about you, the more likely you are to experience success with coaching. Rank each statement from 1 to 5 on how true each statement is for you, (with 5 being most true and 1 being least true). Then add your scores.

1. I have a genuine desire (and need) to renew my joy and strength. I am willing to stretch and change as needed in order for my joy to be restored. ____
{Motivation for change has to come from within you, not only to please someone else. You are the only one you can really change.}

2. I am willing to try new ways of thinking or different ways of doing things in order to see results. ____
{Unless you shift your thinking and try new behaviors, little is likely to change. Willingness to experiment with new concepts can be enjoyable, while also being an essential catalyst to bring change.}

3. I value collaboration (working in partnership with a coach) and am willing to ask for help when I need it. ____
{Sometimes we have not because we ask not. The stoic, go-it-alone leader who thinks asking for help is an admission of weakness is less likely to benefit.}

4. I am disciplined about following through on commitments. ____
{Talk is cheap. Doing “homework” between sessions – prayer, reading, self-observations, practice, and other proven action steps are important to produce genuine, sustainable joy over time.}
5. I am candid and open with others. ____
{You express what you are thinking. Coaching is a partnership that requires you to be assertive in asking for what you want and to speak up when something is not working.}

6. I am open to feedback from my coach and others. ____
{Listening to your coach and others will challenge established ways of thinking, being and doing, and may require reconsideration of behavior in which you may be highly invested. Considering honest feedback opens new choices and possibilities.}

7. I am willing to discuss my Joy journey with others. ____
{If you need to keep your learning process a secret, are you really committed to change? The support and positive feedback of others can often help. Make sure that you filter positive feedback and set aside skeptical and negative feedback.}

8. I am willing to invest the necessary time and finances in coaching. ____
{Coaching God’s way is the most powerful tool available to mankind, but it requires willingness to make the proper investment of time and resources. It only makes sense if you are serious about the process.}

9. I will make Joy Restoration© coaching a priority for at least 3 months. ____
{Save your investment if you’re expecting an overnight solution. Real change results from learning, practice, and feedback over time so that you can benefit from real, observable, and sustainable joy.}

10. This is the right time for me to be doing this; I want to submit to God’s awesome plan for my life and restore what has been lost, so there’s no reason to delay. ____
{Schedule your coaching when you are certain you want to be done with your pain and restore your quality of life. This ensures both motivation and desire to apply what you’re learning.}

RESULTS: Now that you have ranked each statement from 1 to 5 on how true each statement is for you, add the points you posted. If your total score is:
10-20: Consider waiting 30 days and take this quiz again.
21-35: Explore your readiness further with a Certified Joy Restoration Coach©.
36-50: You’re clearly ready. Now is your optimum time to get started!

If you're ready to begin this awesome journey contact me today. I look forward to walking with you on this journey.

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